Environmental Award – winners 2017

Every two years, the Free State of Saxony confers the Saxon Environmental Award. With this award outstanding achievements for the protection of the environment and of natural resources as well as for the conservation are recognised. It is the most valuable price in the Free State of Saxony in the field of the environmental protection.

hydrograv is proud to have received a confirmation with the presentation of the award in the category ‘I. environmentally friendly technologies and production processes’ that we are among the leading companies with our contributions to the environmental protection in the environmental field and at the head of innovation in the water management sector.

hydrograv GmbH applied with its work exceeding far beyond simple CFD applications for flow optimisation in the wastewater management:

  • Continuous monitoring of the CFD-Simulations by measurements for maximising their forcasting power
  • Constant development of new CFD-Simulation models and their continuous improvement, for example
    – Fluidic increase of the oxygen utilisation at a given air flow in the aeration tanks (maximising SSOTR, kLa) of course the detection of the forecasting power through comparison with measurements of the SSOTR increase due to changes in the flow control wastewater/blown air as well
    – mass transfers of the input of ozone from a fumigation O 2 + O 3 of a plant of the fourth purification stage and forecast of the effect on the efficiency of the degradation of trace substances (e.g. metoprolol and diclofenac) resulting from the change of the planning details (size and geometry of the reactor, ozone content of the oxygen, place of introduction, off-gas discharge, …)
    – reaction kinetics in accordance with the Activated Sludge Models (ASM)
    – adaptation of the turbulence models to maximise the forecast accuracy
  • Development of deterministic analysis (data mining and knowledge discovery) to enable an objective, comparative engineering evaluation of simulated planning variants (thus far more than the subjective discussion of coloured representations of the CFD results)
  • Evidence of the high environmental protection potential of our work on flow optimisation on the basis of our hydrograv Adapt technology using the example of the equipment of the wastewater treatment plant Dresden-Kaditz and the resulting significant reduction of phosphor discharge from the wastewater treatment plant into the environment, comparable to the efficiency levels that would otherwise only be achieved with sand filters.

These are just a few of several points where the team of hydrograv GmbH as internationally leading experts in CFD-based flow optimisation continuously sets standards at the „Leading Edge“ of the discipline, thereby generating objectively assessable above-average customer benefit in CFD studies and finally also realising optimisation potentials with qualified technical solutions and solution proposals.