Bad Berleburg

„Now I have only one problem on my wastewater treatment plant: with the sharp drop in the turbidity values after the commissioning of hydrograv adapt the turbidity probe cannot handle the discharge. They are just too far below the measuring range.“ – Jörg Sonneborn, head of the wastewater treatment plant Bad Berleburg

Continuous utilisation of the flock filter in the secondary settling tank with hydrograv adapt.

Because the inlet structure and thus the flow situation in the secondary settling tank always adapts to the current load.


Picture: Change of the discharge turbidity (blue graph) when turning on the control of the hydrograv adapt inlet structure (because of a conversion of the PLS previously as a fixed inlet operating at an elevation of 1.5 meters above the sole recommended by the A 131 (2016)). Excerpt from the process control system. Immediate halving of the discharge turbidity after hydrograv adapt has lowered itself automatically according to the current secondary settling tank load.


The hydrograv adapt system includes:

  • A robust and durable construction.
  • Reliable mechanical engineering, consistently manufactured in stainless steel.
  • A complex E/MSR, on the basis of leading expertise, tailored to each individual wastewater treatment plant and therefore easily controllable.
  • Numerous monitoring functions for the operator, alerts and alarms based on the latest methods.
  • A sophisticated, computerized sludge management system that holds the maximum of the sludge in the activation – particularly in rainy weather when it is needed the most there.